Sunny Deol's Gadar 2 continues to roar at the box office and how. The film has collected Rs 410.70 crore within 13 days of its release, reports Bollywood trade analyst Taran Adarsh. On Wednesday alone, the film earned a whopping Rs 10 crore. Deconstructing the film's box office collection so far, Taran Adarsh wrote on X (previously called Twitter), "While most films run out of fuel in Week 1 itself, Gadar2 continues its supremacy, scores in double digits even on Day 13 (second Wed)... (Week 2) Fri 20.50 cr, Sat 31.07 cr, Sun 38.90 cr, Mon 13.50 cr, Tue 12.10 cr, Wed 10 cr. Total: Rs 410.70 cr. India biz. Box office."
While *most films* run out of fuel in Week 1 itself, #Gadar2 continues its supremacy, scores in DOUBLE DIGITS even on Day 13 [second Wed]... [Week 2] Fri 20.50 cr, Sat 31.07 cr, Sun 38.90 cr, Mon 13.50 cr, Tue 12.10 cr, Wed 10 cr. Total: 410.70 cr. #India biz. #Boxoffice
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) August 24, 2023
On Wednesday, Taran Adarsh shared the film's box office milestones and wrote, "Gadar 2 to challenge Baahubali 2, Pathaan. Gadar 2 continues to surprise and shock the naysayers... Has crossed Rs 400 cr and I am confident, it will cross Rs 500 cr as well and challenge Baahubali 2 Hindi and Pathaan, both in India."
See the full deconstruction of the box office numbers here:
'GADAR 2' TO CHALLENGE 'BAAHUBALI 2', 'PATHAAN'...#Gadar2 continues to surprise and shock the naysayers... Has crossed 400 cr and I am confident, it will cross 500 cr as well and challenge #Baahubali2 #Hindi and #Pathaan, both in #India.#Gadar2 benchmarks...
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) August 23, 2023
Crossed 50...
Directed by Anil Sharma, Gadar 2 is the sequel to the 2001 hit Gadar. In the sequel Sunny Deol, Ameesha Patel and Utkarsh Sharma have reprised their roles of Tara Singh, Sakeena and Jeete, respectively. The film released in theatres on August 11. It clashed with Akshay Kumar's OMG 2 at the box office.
Gadar 2 released to mixed reviews. Film critic Saibal Chatterjee, in his review of NDTV, gave the film 2 stars out of 5 and he wrote, "Gadar 2 is strictly for three categories of people: Sunny Deol fans, those that miss the unbridled excesses of Bollywood of yore, and those that believe that "hate thy neighbour" is an axiom worth cheering for in a movie theatre. The film has enough to please them all - and then some."
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