The mood has been largely jubilant on X (formerly called Twitter) as Chandrayaan-3 successfully made a soft landing near the moon's South Pole earlier this week. Amid all the buzz, filmmaker Rakesh Roshan started trending after West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee confused astronaut Rakesh Sharma with veteran filmmaker-producer and actor Rakesh Roshan at an event earlier this week. The Internet, as always, took the opportunity to curate memes about Rakesh Roshan, who famously directed the 2003 sci-fi Koi... Mil Gaya, in which an extra-terrestrial creature (Jaadoo) befriends Hrithik Roshan's character Rohit Mehra. Enough about the movie, check out the memes here:
A user wrote, "Stop making fun of it. Koi Mil Gaya was a film based on a true story. Rakesh Roshan was the first one to contact Jadoo."
Stop making fun of it.
— Sourav Bhattacharya (@S0urav_here) August 24, 2023
Koi Mil Gaya was a film,based on a true story. #RakeshRoshan was the first one to contact #Jadoo.
A dance sequence accompanied this meme. It read, "Hrithik Roshan after he came to know that his father Rakesh Roshan had once gone in space."
Hrithik Roshan after he came to know that his father Rakesh Roshan had once gone in space
— Pankaj Gulati (@panky101) August 23, 2023
"#MoodOfTheNation is the #RakeshRoshan," tweeted another user.
#MoodOfTheNation is the #RakeshRoshan
— Soysaquib (@Saquibmahmood4) August 24, 2023
Another X user's contribution to the Rakesh Roshan meme fest.
Rakesh Roshan yeh Saab jaadu ka kamal hai @mamtaofficial #rakeshroshan
— TvMirror (@tvottmirror) August 24, 2023
A user took the opportunity to churn out a meme out of Hrithik Roshan's tweet. "And also congratulations to Rakesh Roshan sir, for landing on moon," the user wrote.
And also congratulations to #RakeshRoshan sir, for landing on moon.#RakeshSharma
— Indian Atheist (@AbhishekIndia99) August 24, 2023
"Rakesh Roshan, Congratulations Sir, for becoming first Indian on the moon," wrote another X user.
@RakeshRoshan_N Congratulations Sir, for becoming first Indian on the moon .#RakeshRoshan@NASAMoon
— Koushik Pal (@KoushikPal_KP) August 24, 2023
Let's just say Jaadoo was name-checked multiple times. A user wrote, "I don't know if he visited space or not, but I'm damn sure that he brought an alien from space to India in the form of JAADU... we celebrated our childhood with Jaadoo."
— Shankar Mukesh (@shankarmukesh07) August 24, 2023
I don't know if he visited space or not, but I'm damn sure that he brought an alien from space to India in the form of JAADU... we celebrated our childhood with Jadu. @RakeshRoshan_N #HrithikRoshan
Directed by Hrithik's father Rakesh Roshan, Koi... Mil Gaya established the base for the Krrish series of films to follow, all starring Hrithik Roshan. Krrish released in 2006, while Krrish 3 released in 2013.
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